for all walks of life


General Care

Can't reach your feet because of replacements, or back shoulder or hip pain? We can help.

Corns and Callouses

Corns and callouses can be really painful and need to be diagnosed correctly, by removing the hard skin. This is virtually painless, and you will feel considerably better as soon as you leave the practice.

Corns and callouses are dead skin that builds up with pressure from joint changes such as arthritis and footwear. This aspect needs to be addressed in your individual case to minimise the reoccurrence.


Warts are not necessarily painful and are often mistaken for corns. But, rather then being caused by pressure, they are a virus, similar to a cold sore virus. The aim of treatment is to make the immune system realise that the virus is in that area and to attack it. We will look at the position of the wart and devise a treatment plan based on this.

Thickened Nails

Thickened nails can cause pain by increasing the pressure underneath the nail too much, or by ingrowing. They can be caused by trauma, circulation or a nail infection. Don't despair, they can be managed and we may be able to treat them, depending on the cause.

Ingrown Toenails

Ingrown toenails are very sore and need to be attended to sooner rather than later. They are caused by nails that are too wide, too thick, cut incorrectly, trauma or pressure. The nails needs to be cut back properly and the pressure relieved to reduce your pain. Sometimes, antibiotics and medication may be required if the area is very infected. A long term management plan will be outlined.

Nail Surgery

Surgery is always used as a last resort for ingrowing toenails. But, this technique for removing ingrowing nails permanently (95% of the time), and is very effective. A recent study showed this form of nail removal had the lowest rates of re-growth and post-operative pain compared with other surgical techniques.

This process is used to removed a portion of a nail that is causing pain. Firstly, we need to ascertain whether you are medically suitable to under go this procedure, and if so is done with local anesthetic and takes approximately one hour.

Diabetes Assessments

Feet are a big worry for people with Diabetes. They have the most complications of any part of the body. Feeling and circulation should be tested annually to treat and identify any complications. If any are found, they can be addressed immediately and a treatment plan outlined. We enjoy a multidisciplinary team approach to your care and will send a report of the findings to your Doctor, Endocrinologist, Eye Specialist, Dietitian and anyone else in your Diabetes Team.


These are a concern for all involved and need to be managed promptly and correctly. Walking on the ulcers on your feet adds another dimension to the issue and should be seen by a Podiatrist.

Ulcers can be caused by too much blood, poor circulation, repetitive trauma or reduced feeling. The cause needs to be addressed and the ulcer treated.

Biomechanical Assessments

Foot pain? Your "biomechanics" could be causing it. The study of biomechanics is used to assess walking patterns and foot structures that may cause

  • Bunions

  • Heel pain

  • Knee pain

  • Shin pain

  • Back pain

  • Stress fractures

  • Corns and callouses

If your biomechanics is the cause, we can discuss your options such as stretching, strengthening, footwear changes, orthotics or referral to another practitioners for their opinion and treatment.


Orthotics are inserts that go in your shoes. They are used to correct or minimise the way you are walking that may be causing any of the abovementioned issues. Soft and harder devices may be used, depending on you and our treatment plan. Orthotics may feel strange at first, but should not be uncomfortable.